Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Minted Design Challenge

Hey guys! I have just submitted several designs to Minted: one of the most infamous paper stationery companies in the world! Click on the images below to view them on the website. And if you like them, I would really appreciate a vote! Thank you guys so much!

If you would like to purchase any of these "Save the Dates", visit my ETSY SHOP!

Which is your favorite?

save the date cards - Chevron Stamp

   save the date cards - Dainty Flower Charm -  No Photo

save the date cards - Dainty Flower Charm
save the date cards - Dainty Flower Charm


Don't forget to stop by my ETSY SHOP and see more designs!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Simple Bedrooms

Time and time again I have had major decorating urges. And most of them have gone horribly wrong. I make all of the common mistakes:
-mixing colors/fabrics that clash
- making things match TOO well
- overcrowding the space
- too many photos on the walls/dressers
...the list could go on and on! 

With this post I would like to direct some attention on some bedrooms that are absolutely gorgeous, but best of all.....THEY ARE SIMPLE!! So so simple! Literally anyone could decorate a space like these! 
I will admit that I am on a bit of a "minimalist" kick nowadays. I just don't understand who wouldn't love to downsize and minimize clutter and chaos in their lives! 

All of the bedrooms featured are simple but they are also cozy! I am a sucker for cozy rooms and bedrooms should be the most cozy of them all! So with out further adieu, lets take a look!

House Envy via Lark & Linen
 The color scheme is so neutral! Shades of beige with subtle pops of darker shades accompanied by a beautiful diamond ikat print!
Serenity Now via SF Girl By Bay
 So this one is my favorite. I love the pattern combo of the striped rug and the "plus sign" bed spread. They lengthened the appearance of the room by adding a wooden headboard with the same stain as the hardwood flooring. Pop on a super soft down comforter for that "cozy warm" feel!
Bohemian Vintage Bedroom via Lonny
I would do a lot of things to get my hands on that patterned blanket! Sheesh! Notice that with such a bold piece, not many other colors or bold patterns are used. When you have a statement piece, it is important to keep accessories pretty neutral to avoid a cluttered and clashy feel.
via Red Online
 Who knew plywood could be so beautiful? I love using dark fabrics to compliment light wood and light fabrics to compliment dark wood! Make sense? Good :)
Nordic Design Blog via decor8
The floors in this bedroom are to die for. They ooze with charm. Notice the colorful wall hanging above the bed? Notice the neutral colors paired with it? I see a pattern emerging here...
via Apartment Therapy 
Again, notice the bold pattern (the rug) paired with subtle shades and hues! This is so important guys!
via Indulgy
The "pallet rage" has been going on for a while! But I really like the soft color scheme in this bedroom. There are also endless storage opportunities within the gaps of the pallets! Store extra pillows, blankets, magazines, etc.
via Apartment Therapy
So so simple. If you find your bedroom too plain and boring, try adding a super fun and colorful art piece right above the bed! It is a lot cheaper than painting and buying all new accessories and sometimes, it's just the right touch!!

Here are my guidelines for simple bedrooms:
- Choose a statement piece to add color.  This could be a rug, a bedspread, an art peice above the bed, lamp shades, even curtains!
- Choose complimenting neutral tones to pair with your statement piece
- Stay away from a lot of bright colors. Yes, they may look nice together, but the bedroom is a place to RELAX!
- Keep bedside tables free of clutter. Actually, keep all surfaces free of clutter. Cause we all know it just looks nice that way!
- Have fun and make sure the patterns in the room reflect your taste!

-- Katie Emslie

Monday, August 12, 2013

G'Day Y'all

Update on the Southern/Australian Family!

We have been in Australia now since May 28! That is 2.5 months, or 11 weeks, or 77 days. Because I know you were very interested in the exact number of days and all...ANYWAY, I would just like to take a moment to reflect and share on what has happened since we have been here! 
Since we have arrived we have been on the search for jobs and a house! Neither of which have been found yet. Yes, we get discouraged. Yes, we get impatient. Yes, we want to scream and cry (but we are adults and apparently that isn't socially acceptable anymore). Nonetheless we will trudge on rely on the fact the we know we are right where we are suppose to be!

Now, I am going to take some time to catch you up on us as individuals: 


This man, you guys.... He is literally good at everything. Annoyingly good at EVERYTHING. Since we have been here, he has built a dining room table (that I will post about soon), fixed a broken guitar, been a single dad for TWO WEEKS (while I was on a mission trip to the Philippines), worked as a traveling coffee barista, and as I write this he is making a red velvet cheesecake....go ahead. Swoon away.

Anyway, he is currently looking for a job that does not mind sharing him with the University of Queensland. After he starts graduate school, it will take two years full time for him to complete the degree. 


This kid, you guys.... He turned two on June 7! WHAT?! Can anyone explain how quickly two years goes by? Before we know it it will be 5 years, 10 years, 20 years! Slow it down puh-lease. 

Here are a few cute things he is saying now:
- Fire Bus = Firetruck
- He will walk up, shake your hand, and say "Nice to meet you"
- He has to tell everyone in the restaurant "goodbye" before we can leave
- Buzz Ranger = Buzz Lightyear (but he IS a space ranger)
- He greets people with a Southern/Australian G'DAY Y'ALL
- When asked what he is doing, he replies "Just Chillin"
- He also says that he is "the man"

And a quick list of his development:
- Letters he consistently recognizes: A, B, C, H, J, L, O, R, S (he calls it a snake...i'll count it), T, W
- Colors he can name: red, blue, black, purple, pink, green, yellow, orange
- Gross Motor Skills: hop with two feet, jump, kick a ball, catch a ball, throw a ball overhand and underhand
- Fine Motor Skills: pincer grasp (see what that is here), holds paper down while drawing, can stack lots of blocks, and LOVES to give me a "thumbs up" 

* sorry if the lists bore you! They are mainly for my friends and family who want to know how he's growing!! *



Since I am not allowed to work in Australia until October, the only "job" I have is my America based Etsy Shop! SoI have lots of free time right now! As great as that sounds, I am getting a little case of Cabin Fever so we have made a goal of leaving the house at least once a day! 
And that brings me to driving. On the other side of the road. Holy "other side of the road", Batman. I feel like a brand new driver over here! The only things I don't have to re-learn are accelerating and breaking. 
Everything else about driving is different:
- You sit on the opposite side of the car. Which means you have to look different ways when checking your mirrors.
- You have to turn to the opposite side of the road
- No right on red (which would be left on red over here)
- TONS of roundabouts
- I have NO idea where the left side of the car is because I sit on the right
Several curbs have fallen victim to my "newbie" driving and I just pray that other drivers stay patient as I learn! Whew!! 

All in all we have settled into Australia quite well! We still have lots of settling left but we are off to a great start! 
Feel free to ask us any questions about Australia, Family Life, etc!! :)

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